Bank: Mizrahi Tefahot Bank (20)
Account Name: Hostages and Missing Families Forum
Branch: 410
Account #: 143428
Mailing Address: Weitzman 32-34, Tel Aviv
6209105 IBAN: IL41 0204 1000 0000 0143 428
Wire Transfers
Bank: Israel Discount Bank of New York
Account Name: Merit Spread Foundation Inc.
Account #: 1000061758
ABA #: 026009768
Bank Address: 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036
Comment: Hostages and Missing Families Forum
Mailing Address for checks:
Aventura Branch: 18851 NE 29th Avenue, Ste 600 Aventura, FL 33180
The check should be written to the account of: Merit Spread Foundation Inc.
Comment on Check: Hostages and Missing Families Forum
Checks in Canadian dollars should be made out to "Canada Charity Partners" (CRA 818335390RR0001) and mailed to:
Canada Charity Partners
5785 Smart ave.
Cote St Luc, QC H4W2M8
For wire transfer info, please contact us directly at
Wire transfers should be sent to:
Account owner: UK Gives Ltd
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Sort code: 771703
Account: 39408560
Checks in Pound Sterling should be made out to "UK Gives" (Charity number 1161366) and mailed to:
UK Gives
483 Green Lanes
London, England
Checks in Australian dollars should be made out to "Chai Charitable" and mailed to:
Chai Charitable Foundation
15 Balaclava Road, St Kilda East, VIC 3183, Australia
For wire transfer info, please contact us:
Donations in Euro should be sent by SEPA wire transfer to Fonds de Dotation (SIREN: 889613709):
Account owner: Fonds de Dotation IG
IBAN: IE26CHAS93090301050335
Donor will receive a CERFA tax-receipt.For wire transfer info, please contact us directly at
Donations from Switzerland can be made by wire transfer through the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation. In order to make a wire transfer, please email Ms Aïssata Traoré at (copying to the email), and provide the following information:
Your name and tax-residence address in Switzerland
The amount of donation and its currency
The final beneficiary organization of this gift - "Fonds de Dotation IG"
They will perform the necessary due diligence and then provide you with bank details to whom the wire can be sent.
Please add the following note when wiring funds:
<< TGE-Fonds de Dotation IG-France >>
MINIMUM DONATION AMOUNT: CHF 500 or its equivalent in EUR, USD, GBP. Donations between CHF 500 and CHF 50’000 are automatically accepted. Above this amount donations are subject to discussion and potential meeting with the donor.
EMISSION OF FISCAL RECEIPTS: By post, once a year in February of the year following the donation.
Donations from Belgium can be made by wire transfer through the King Baudouin Foundation. Please wire funds to:
IBAN: BE10000000000404BICBPOTBEB1
When making the wire please note as follows:
<< TGE-Fonds de Dotation IG-France >>
Spanish donors can make their donations by following these steps:
1. Send an email to indicating:
-The amount of the donation.
-The beneficiary entity - "Fonds de Dotation IG"
-Donor identification data:Name and surnames (individual donor) or business name (corporate donor)
-Postal address
-Telephone number
-Tax identification (NIF, NIE or CIF)
2. Attach a copy of your ID or card with the CIF of the donor (if it is Spanish) or with the NIE (otherwise). It is a key document to process the information to the AEAT about the tax treatment of the donation in Spain.
3. Make the payment by wire transfer to the following account:
Account holder: Fundación Empresa y Sociedad
IBAN: ES43 0234 0001 0510 0384 7629
Bank: Banco CaminosAddress: Almagro 8 / 28010 Madrid (SPAIN)Communication: "TGE – Fonds de Dotation IG – France"
4. Then, email us at and let us know that the transfer was made, and the charity or charitable program that you'd like the donation to be directed towards.
According to the Persche ruling, a donation in one EU member state is recognized as tax-deductible in all EU member states. Thus, if you donate through our French charity Fonds de Dotation IG, you should be able to claim the donation as tax-deductible in your country. Please consult your accountant for further details.
If you didn't find your countries please contact us at